Saturday, November 22, 2014

What Do You Want Us To Blog About?

Thank you to all of our followers! You all are awesome! As we get close to Thanksgiving, we want to thank all of you for your love and support. Now, we'd appreciate your feedback.

The past 6 days were Anthem Lights Spirit Week. Monday dedicated to Chad, Tuesday to Alan, Wednesday to Caleb, and Thursday to Joey. The whole band had their appreciation day on Friday. Did you post anything to celebrate those days (it's OK if you didn't)? What did you think of our pictures/posts? Comment below. 

So I'm hoping to have a livestream with all of you sometime. It appears that a lot of you would watch if you had the time free, and that means a lot. We will pick a time someday and let you know in advance.

The Anthem Lights Documentary, "I Wanna Know You Like That," came out last Saturday. What are your thoughts? Comment below! :D

And finally...what do you want us to blog about. I've kind of come to a halt...unsure of what I should talk about. You can help! Comment below with a suggestion and we will definitely consider it! :)

Thanks guys! Have an amazing Thanksgiving and we will see you next week! :)

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