Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spencer Leaves Nashville To Go On Millennial Tour

As Spencer said, he isn't completely leaving his solo career although he is full-time in Anthem Lights. He recently went with the band to the NACA conference, where they performed. Here's one of the many pictures the boys posted of that weekend:

But Spencer left Nashville behind for this short tour. He posted the following photos on his Instagram, sharing the new merch and album exclusively available to people able to go to the shows at the locations also mentioned in one of the captions. 

The band did seem slightly reluctant to let Spencer go...with Kelsey and Caleb replying to Spencer's Twitter "announcement" stating he was temporarily leaving Nashville to go on tour as a solo artist with the following tweets:

Although this was short, I hope it gave you a little bit of an idea what the boys have been up to lately. Feel free to check out their Twitter and Instagram accounts for more information.

Until next week... :)

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